HOUSTON — True enough, presumptuous Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was booed today here at the annual convention of the NAACP, because of his strident vow to repeal Obama-Romney
Care, but the biggest boos from the crowd can only be reported to you by a solitary reporter.
After he attempted unsuccessfully to recover after dissing the president's signature legislation, Romney told the delegates that he will consider trying to convince his church to repudiate its
past doctrines which declared that black people are inferior.
(In 1995, black church member A. David Jackson asked Mormon church leaders to issue a declaration repudiating past doctrines which treated black people as inferior. The church leadership did not
issue a repudiation.)
The stage was thus dramatically set for the LDS church, under Romney's leadership, to change the course of its history and fully accept black people into full participation in the Mormon church,
or, on the other hand, to cling to its interesting past.
Immediately intervening was the Angel Moroni, who whispered into Romney's ear, “This election is about a lot more than the economy, stupid!”
At the White House, Press Secretary Jay Carney, asked for comment on the remarkable events in Houston, smiled and said, “No comment is necessary.”
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