Cliven Bundy, the Nevada rancher who objects to paying grazing fees on federal land which he has used for his cattle ranch for many years, has established a new sovereign territory.


Bundy is a prominent member and spokesman for the sovereign citizen movement.


As observed from a very great distance by a solitary reporter, Aryan Nations leader Drew Bostwick was with Bundy as Bundy proclaimed his ranch to be sovereign territory.


But Sen. Harry Reid (D.-Nevada) wasn’t there. Nor was Sen. Tim Scott (TP.-SC) or Sen. Cory Booker (D.-NJ), after Bundy told Fox News' Sean Hannity that maybe African Americans should go back to being slaves.


Sen. Dean Heller (R.-Nevada), also with his senatorial colleagues in Washington at the time, speculated with his staff as to what name Bundy would give to the newly created sovereign territory.


“Maybe he'll just call it Bunker,” Heller said.


Elsewhere, Congressman Michael Grimm (R.-NY), a former FBI agent who represents Staten Island and part of Brooklyn, and who is about to be indicted on charges of violating campaign finance laws, complained through his lawyer that he is being persecuted by Atty. Gen. Eric Holder for being a Republican.


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