April 16, 2015

LAKEWOOD, COLORADO — Former Colorado State Senate President John Andrews has disinvited the Colorado Log Cabin Republicans, a gay Republican group, from the Western Conservative Summit, which is an annual gathering of influential super-conservatives. The disinvitation has created a firestorm against Andrews and other right-wing Republicans who don’t get it.

The Western Conservative Summit is sponsored by Colorado Christian University, based here in Lakewood.

“The Log Cabin Republicans exists to redefine the family,” Andrews said. “Log Cabin Republicans think gay marriage should be the law of the land, and Colorado Christian University doesn’t believe it should be.”

As soon as he read about Andrews’ decision in today’s Denver Post, a solitary reporter, fresh from his compelling interview in Wichita yesterday with Charles Koch, visited Andrews in his office.

“It’s time for all gay people to leave the Republican Party,” Andrews told the solitary reporter. “As soon as that happens, Ted Cruz will be our nominee, and we will recapture the White House.”

Informed of Andrews’ statement, Bill and Hillary hired a moving company to move all their worldly goods into the White House in January 2017. As of press time, it was unclear whether the Clinton Foundation would pay the expenses of their move.

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