DENVER — Yesterday afternoon, your solitary reporter worshipped at a predominately African American Roman Catholic Church in northeast Denver. The Hebrew Bible text was from Ecclesiastes (“Vanity of vanities. All is vanity! For all his toil, his toil under the sun, what does man gain by it?”). The second reading was from Colossians 3:2 ("Let your thoughts be on heavenly things, not on the things that are on the earth”).
In masterful style, the African American deacon preached on the folly of accumulating goods.
The solitary reporter, taking all this in, was astonished when GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump — whose only notable African American supporter is retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson — swaggered into the sanctuary, because his campaign manager, Paul Manafort, told him that in northeast Denver, African Americans are very powerful politically, and that nearly all of them are Democrats who appreciate all that Bill and Hillary Clinton have done to advance the interests of African Americans.
The deacon and the priest were far too polite to disinvite Trump, so they, instead, interrupted the service and welcomed him with open arms, in the true spirit of hospitality.
The solitary reporter was even more astonished when Pope Francis appeared, applauded the deacon, and walked up to Trump. The Pope repeated his admonition to Trump, delivered months earlier, that one who builds a wall to keep God’s children out is not a Christian.
Then Trump, who has publicly attacked the Pope as “a very political person,” was, for the first time since June 16, 2015, when he announced his candidacy in Trump Tower — the very symbol of crass materialism — unable to speak. Instead, he fell on his knees and asked forgiveness of the Holy Father.
At last report, Manafort was engaged in a desperate search to find his candidate, not knowing that Pope Francis had escorted him to The Samaritan House, operated by Catholic Charities, where the Pope and Archbishop Samuel Aquila counseled Trump on how best to interact with the homeless residents there.
Early this morning, the solitary reporter and associate solitary reporter Larry Theis observed Trump feeding the down and out residents of Samaritan House. They tweeted RNC Chair Reince Priebus and told him that the RNC might have to go with Trump’s running mate, hyper-conservative Hoosier State Gov. Mike Pence, as Trump was heard calling his wife, Melania, and explaining to the former supermodel that he might have to drop out of the race, after he repents from his numerous sins by acknowledging that he has been nothing but a money grubber since he launched his career as a businessman whose only goal has been accumulating lucre by focusing only on winning, winning, winning.
When associate solitary reporter John Jones informed Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, of this remarkable development, Mook told his staff to take nothing for granted, saying “This sudden change in Trump won’t last more than a few hours. We need to redouble and triple our efforts to win The Centennial State decisively, ensuring that Democrats win all the down ticket races there as well."
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