RNC HEADQUARTERS, TRUMP TOWER — As Donald Trump, with inconsistent advice from his presidential transition planner, Chris Christie, prepares to assume the presidency, associate solitary reporter
John Jones has learned that once he is elected, Trump will appoint his personal physician, Dr. Harold Bornstein, as his Surgeon General. In an effort to show his loyal coterie of angry white male
followers how transparent his campaign is, Jones has been embedded in the Trump campaign for several weeks now. Jones is thus in a superb position to learn about everything that takes place
within Trump’s tantrum-filled campaign.
“I like a guy who does my bidding in five minutes,” Trump explained to Christie, referring to the amount of time that Dr. Bornstein took in December to write a statement about Trump’s health. Dr.
Bornstein wrote the statement while a limousine waited outside his office.
Trump’s CEO and Breitbart’s best, Stephen Shannon, tossed Jones out of his office as soon as Jones read to him Howard Schweitzer’s article in Politico, “7 Reasons Why Trump Would Hate Being
President" (
http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/7-reasons-why-trump-would-hate-being-president-214192). Schweitzer is a Republican strategist who served as Chief Operating Officer of the
TARP program in the administration of Bush Two. Schweitzer explains in the article that Trump’s notoriously short attention span would not permit him to master the detail required to run the
federal government, and that Trump would soon get bored and want to quit in favor of Indiana's Governor Mike Pence, who is closely aligned with the Tea Party.
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