The Resistance is very much alive and well.
Yesterday was the second worldwide anti-Trump March.
A year ago, your solitary reporter and hundreds of thousands of others marched in the Mile High City and around the world to protest the very unfortunate fact that Barack Obama was no longer president, and that Hillary Clinton — the best qualified Democratic candidate for president since Michael Dukakis — only she was more qualified by far than Gov. Dukakis — had not been inaugurated the day before, as she surely should have been.
Yesterday, as nine hundred thousand protesters surged around Manhattan’s Trump Tower, associate solitary reporter Lewis Thompson III watched with glee as Trump Tower fell to the ground in pieces. On Thursday, Thompson and associate solitary reporter Jim Bob Hobarto had walked, wearing nothing but sandals (no tunic, no albs, nothing but sandals (Mark 6:9)), all the way from 24 Farnsworth Street in Boston, where Thompson is the Moderator of the Unitarian Universalist Association, and he and Hobarto (the recipient in 2017 of the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Distinguished Service Award) were in Gotham early Thursday morning.
Thompson and Hobarto and thousands of others had arrived early Thursday at Trump Tower to warn everyone in the Tower to evacuate. “We are all prophets of God,” Thompson told everyone in Trump Tower, as he and Hobarto (Alabama’s Best) went floor to floor and door to door, “and we know full well that God — who, by the way, is a very beatiful woman in the heart of Africa, almost as beautiful as the Statue of
Liberty — is going to bring Trump Tower crashing to the ground on Saturday.”
Sure ‘nough, as soon as the crowd outside Trump Tower reached nine hundred thousand — and with all residents (and non-resident consumers) in Trump Tower out — Trump’s biggest Monument to Himself (yes, he does consider himself to be a secular god) came crashing down.
At the same time, the goddess embodied in the Statue of Liberty shed a tear as she crashed to the ground as well. “There’s no liberty in the land of the free and the home of the brave,” she said, just before she precipitated herself to the ground. “I am the symbol of how America welcomes immigrants, but they are not welcome here any more unless they are wealthy and white.”
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio vowed to force Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke to reconstruct Lady Liberty and send the bill to Trump.
“No way I’m gonna allow Trump Tower to be rebuilt,” de Blasio told associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman. "Everything Donald Trump has ever built is nothing more than a symbol of greed.”