Mueller Subpoenas Trump's Digital Guru, Cambridge Analytica, and Zuckerberg, and, for Good Measure, Tells Kelly et al. to Fire Rosenstein

Knowing full well that he is about to be fired, Special Counsel Robert Mueller III has subpoenaed Donald Trump’s media guru, Brad Parscale, as well as Alexander Nix, the CEO of Cambridge Analytica, and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman was with Mueller as he issued the subpoenas.


Trump has already hired Parscale to run the digital part of his re-election campaign. When Congressional investigators questioned him last year about the obvious collusion between Vladimir Putin and Trump, Parscale stayed mum (


Trump has also just hired big-time Washington lawyer Joseph DiGenova to defend him from Mueller. DiGenova insists that former FBI Director James Comey is guilty of a crime and that the Justice Department concocted a false crime to take down Trump (


Associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones was with Trump as he barked out to his Chief of Staff, Gen. John Kelly, and his White House Counsel, Don McGahn, telling them to instruct Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein to fire Mueller and, as well, to tell Attorney General Jeff Sessions to fire Rosenstein. Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee jumped up and down with glee and prepared to tell her always hostile audience of White House reporters of Trump’s decision. She was wearing brass knuckles as she entered the press briefing room.


Associate solitary reporter Melissa Smith was with South Carolina’s senior senator, Lindsey Graham, a Republican, as he prepared a speech which he will deliver on the Senate floor denouncing the firings. See