The only times that Donald Trump smiles are when he wins something big.
That happened today, because John Roberts & Co. upheld his Muslim travel ban, 5-4 ( (we always knew that Trump’s SCOTUS pick, Judge Neil Gorsuch, would perform as expected).
Justice Sotomayor, a positive person indeed, noted, in her very strong dissent, which she read from the bench, that the only silver lining in the decision is that the Court finally, after 74 tortured years, expressly overruled Korematsu v. United States, 323 U.S. 214 (1944), which ordered Japanese Americans into internment campus during World War II regardless of citizenship.
That said, Trump is now wearing the biggest smile he has worn since January 20, 2017, when, gazing forlornly at a crowd on the National Mall only a third the size of the crowd assembled there eight years earlier, closed his half-assed inaugural address with “America First.”
To indicate her extreme disagreement with today’s SCOTUS decision, associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones went up to Trump and said, “Donnie, you damn fool, you will go down in history as the worst we have ever had.” At that, the Secret Service did its usual, refusing, as always, to call her attorneys at the ACLU after they tossed her, this time, into the Potomac, without a life jacket.
But associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman took a more positive approach. Sherman went to the chambers of Judge Ex Decorum Ipsa. Judge Decorum is the Chief Judge of the US District Court for the Southern District of New York. There, the case of Stephanie Clifford a/k/a Stormy Daniels v.Trump is on the docket every day, as porn star Stormy Daniels (who is just as narcissistic and just as abominable as Trump Himself), represented by schlockmeister lawyer Michael Avenatti, does her level best to keep Trump distracted from his bromances with Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin.
As Judge Decorum opened her docket today, she lowered her glasses a la Schumer and asked Avenatti why he wants her to slap a gag order on defendant Trump (
“Your Honorship,” Avenatti began, “the Supreme Court has just issued its decision upholding Trump’s Muslim travel ban, but you could nullify that right now.”
“How so, Counsel?"
“Just do it, Judge, and you totally have my back — but wait once, I need to make sure that CNN’s cameras are here in Your courtroom — ok, there they are.”
Then Judge Decorum ruled from the bench, overruled the SCOTUS decision that was announced today, and immediately received a text from Roberts, informing her that he has asked House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Virginia) to file impeachment proceedings against her.