During his campaign in 2016, the race card that Donald Trump played most successfully was the xenophobic race card.
And, of course, he's still doing it, and his equally xenophobic followers love it.
So he went down to our southern border, had some pleasant chats with beleaguered border patrol agents, and snagged the endorsement of their union.
But now, two years later, as Trump is about to lose Congress, Brandon Judd, the president of the National Border Patrol Council, has endorsed three endangered Senate Dems: Claire McCaskill (Missouri), Heidi Heitkamp (North Dakota), and Jon Tester (Montana) (https://www.politico.com/story/2018/10/26/border-patrol-union-senate-democrats-8948.
(There’s also a Libertarian candidate running against McCaskill with the improbable name of Japheth (one of Noah’s sons) Campbell); Campbell must have some sense of how Trump’s political career will soon be washed away in a flood.)
Associate solitary reporter Donetta Rhys, the mayor of Arivaca, Arizona, eleven miles north of the border, tells us that all the Border Patrol agents who guard our southern border are well aware that Trump spews invective against illegal migrants “because that’s just the type of guy he is.”