Hannity Quits Fox News; He and Trump Launch TrumpNews Corp.

CNN, which Donald Trump loves to attack as the chief proponent of "Fake News" (that’s any reporting he doesn’t like), is really good at getting under the Disrupter-in-Chief’s skin (https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/14/politics/donald-trump-mood-pissed-white-house-intrigue/index.html).


He is a classic narcissist, and he hates to be accosted in a challenging manner.


After the Dems flipped the House, so they can investigate all his very numerous wrongdoings, he showed up for what used to be called a more or less polite press conference. That’s when CNN’s White House correspondent, Jim Acosta, asked him a lot of very appropriate questions, as an intern in a purple dress tried to grab the mic from him.


Then Sarah Huckabee and friends yanked Acosta’s credentials. So CNN and Acosta went to court.


Unbelievably, Fox News (the only channel Trump likes) is siding with CNN in the lawsuit — even though Trump’s close personal friend, Sean Hannity, is furious at Acosta.


Today, a federal judge will rule on CNN and Acosta’s suit against Trump. Associate solitary reporter Keith Coleman, who is based in Washington, will be in the courtroom.


Yet another reason for Trump’s ire: as best-selling author Michael D’Antonio (Never Enough: Donald Trump and the Pursuit of Success) writes, Melania just showed that she knows how to throw her trophy bod' around. She didn’t like Deputy National Security Advisor Mira Ricardel, so she went public, making her husband foam at the mouth because she blindsided him; and as we all know, Melania and her husband have seprate bedrooms. Read all about it at https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/15/opinions/melania-beats-donald-trump-at-his-own-game-dantonio/index.html.  


Moments ago, associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman texted us with this breaking news: Hannity, extremely p____d at Fox News’ parent owner, Rupert Murdoch, for siding with CNN, threw a pissyfit, and walked out, saying, “Donald Trump is my best friend, he calls me all the time for advice, so he and I are, as of today, launching TrumpNews Corp. I will be the sole anchor, but from time to time Rush Limbaugh will be joining me.”


“Our slogan’s gonna be ‘All The Hate We Can Fit In, 24/7’."