With Donald Trump in the White House, wonders never cease.
The man who claims to be the strongest Oval Office dude ever in support of our military did something he never does in his interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace today, when he ever so slightly backpedaled. He said he should have gone to the cemetery in France that he skipped because of rain (though now he says it was on the Secret Service’s
order — even though he could have easily gone in a motorcade’ after his helicopter was grounded because of fog).
Then he decided not to go to Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans’ Day. And today he told Wallace that he should have gone there but that he was compelled to stay away because he was pretending to be a statesman.
He sure keeps all our associate solitary reporters’ heads spinning.
Next, he lambasted retired Admiral William McCraven for heavily criticizing him in August. McCraven’s Washington Post op-ed told it like it is when he said that Trump’s disregard for the First Amendment is extremely dangerous for what’s left of our democracy (https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/18/politics/donald-trump-william-mcraven/index.html).
So then today Trump falsely claimed that Adm. McCraven is an ally of Hillary Clinton. Wallace pointed out that it was the admiral who planned the successful effort to eliminate Osama bin Laden. Then Trump lamely said that McCraven should’ve taken bin Laden down much earlier.
Not only that, Trump says he doesn’t need to listen to the audiotape that Turkish intelligence played for CIA Director Gina Haspel providing the details for how Mohammed bin Salman’s hit men brutally exterminated Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi. He’s clearly afraid of alienating Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is a close personal friend of Son-in-Law-in-Chief Jared Kushner.
All this adds up to lots of fears on Trump’s part.
Which is why Trump just confessed to associate solitry reporter Johanna Jones, “Johanna, I’m no Commander-in-Chief. I’m the Coward-in-Chief.”
He then implored Jones to console and comfort him as he wailed, “I can’t get no satisfaction from Melania!”
Though Jones has a long history of providing outsanding pastoral care, she left the room to file her report to us. She’s always extremely punctual that way.