It is a truth universally acknowledged that our tax system is way too complicated — which is why Donald Trump’s tax returns are really complicated — but they shouldn’t be.
His mouthpiece and Chief Bulldog, Sarah Huckabee, says House Dems are too stupid and lack the capability to understand what’s in there (
Remember when Bill Clinton was running for president in 1992 against Bush One and his chief campaign strategist, James Carville, coined the phrase “It’s the Economy, Stupid” (,_stupid)?
Associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones sees far too much of Sarah Huckabee Sanders, but Jones loves trashing Trump, Trumpism, and all its advocates, so it should come as no surprise to all AP fans that Jones calmly walked up to Huckabee Sanders early this morning and said, “Sarah, it’s Trump’s Taxes, Stupid!”
Which is why, once again, ASR Jones found herself in the tender custody of the Secret Service, which will not allow her lawyers at the ACLU to see her.
And now the three oldest Trump children have sued Deutsche Bank and Capital One to prevent them from turning over Trump financial records to Congress (
While Trump loves to fight anyone who disagrees with him, for him, losing is worse than death — as he seeks political oblivion for all Democrats, especially Joe Biden.
Never fear, our chief sleuth, associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman, has already seen everything the House Dems want to see, and she knows full well that Trump’s taxes and the financial records of the Trump Organization spell the end of Trump’s political career.
But it’s Trumpism (a.k.a. MeFirstism) that Sherman and Jones are really worried about, as that seems destined to be with us for a long time to come.