Donald Trump is notoriously over the top in so many ways, and now Politico has broken the story about his extreme germophobia. He gets really p____d if a staffer coughs or sneezes in his presence, and he glares at the offender and tells her or him to get out of his sight asap. He washes his hands far more often than most people (
He’s known to be reluctant to shake hands with foreign diplomats unless he’s gotten himself sprayed with Purell, which is like those squirty things you’re supposed to use in hospitals to wash your hands.
Associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones, who is with Trump 24/7, accosted our Germophobe-in-Chief early this morning and told him that he’s up to his old tricks again, that is, dissing our closest allies, after Queen Elizabeth’s Ambassador to us, Kim Darroch, said in a leaked cable that Trump is “dysfunctional” and “inept.”
Naturally, Trump tweetfired back immediately, and he wants Darroch, a veteran diplomat, to be fired ( ).
This caused leftie Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, to whom the media pay too much attention, to tell her Brooklyn constituents that it’s even more reason for him to be impeached.
Meanwhile, Trump blithely said on Independence Day that Gen. George Washington’s Army captured airports during the Revolutionary War (
That’s why associate solitary reporter Melissa Smith, who covers Congress for us, just told us that the senator from Big Coal, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, asked his wife, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao (she’s in charge of our airports) to give Trump a one-on-one five minute briefing on reality and also to tell him that he shouldn’t blame his own teleprompter when he says his usual dumb s__t.
Team USA, led by star forward Megan Rapinoe, won the World Cup yesterday in European football. Rapinoe had previously said she would never go to Trump’s White House while he is there, if he were to invite the women’s team to a photo-op.
Trump has not, as of press time, revealed whether he will invite Team USA to join him at his Resolute Desk, but if he were to do so, it would provide Rapinoe with a great opportunity to get some free publicity by giving the germophobe a metaphorical slap in the face.That’s because everyone except Trump knows full well that Rapinoe is much more resolute than he is, and much stronger; more authentic by far (