Very few people in Donald Trump’s White House stay there very long.
The most recent departure? Madeleine Westerhout, his personal assistant (
At a recent dinner with reporters present, Westerhout happily told reporters all kinds of things about Trump’s family. And she did that without telling them that whatever she said was off the record.
Associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones, who is with Trump 24/7, spoke with Westerhout early this morning.
“Madeleine,” Jones began, “My superiors and associates at Apocryphal Press would like to offer you a job which is ever so much better than the one you’ve just been fired from.”
Westerhout expressed a mild degree of curious interest.
“Join us here at AP as we continue to not only make fun of Donald Trump, but much more importantly, bring him down so that eventually the American people can start to forget that he ever got to sit in that Oval Office.”
Westerhout immediately said yes.
A mere two minutes later, DNC Chair Tom Perez called her to congratulate her on her decision, and five minutes after that, House Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler invited her to testify.