All Today's News About Donald Trump and How He's Ruining Our Exceptional Nation

As usual, because of Donald Trump, there is way, way too much news for us here at AP to report on.


So here goes:


There are two Richard Spencers we need to talk about today.


There’s ultra white nationalist Richard B. Spencer, who is still ecstatic about how his close personal friend James Alex Fields Jr. killed Heather Heyer in Charlottesville during Spencer’s Unite the Right rally in August, 2017, and then Trump said that there were good people on both sides of all that...


...and there’s now former Navy Secretary Richard V. Spencer.


Richard V. Spencer was forced out of his position as Secretary of the Navy after Trump, in his typically chaotic and erratic fashion, ordered that he be fired, in a big big dispute between himself and his Pentagon as to how to deal with Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher, who insisted on getting his jollies by having his photograph taken with the dead body of an ISIS casualty in Iraq. Galllagher had faced a court-martial for premediated murder and attempted murder, but was acquitted (


Now, as to Richard B. Spencer, the white nationalist, associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones just texted us that because our Racist-in-Chief has a desperate need to keep in intensely close contact between himself and his base, Trump has invited Richard B. Spencer to join his team in his White House, as his Special Assistant to Encourage Racism and White Nationalism.


And Richard B. Spencer is, right now, at Trump’s side, doing what he always does.


There there’s this MIchael Bloomberg thing.


The former three-term Gotham Mayor is worth a paltry fifty-four billion dollars, he’s richer than Trump, and he’s running for president as a Democrat, even though in the past he’s been a Republican.


The good thing about Bloomberg is that he’s very strong on gun control….




Bloomberg is 77, he’s older than Joe Biden, and he’s almiost as old as Bernie Sanders.


Bernie is not a Democrat, but the Dems are letting him run as a Democrat anyway, and he almost beat Hillary Rodham in 2016, because Hillary ran a poor campagn, and, even though she was the best qualified Democrat to run for president since Michael Dukakis lost in 1988 to Bush One, she had lotsa baggage.


Presidential candidate and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), whom we like because she’s from the Upper Midwest, and because she doesn’t buy into Bernie’s Medicare for All, nailed it when she said that the voters won’t buy into Bloomberg’s late late entry into the race (


So we sent associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman, a very sophisticated world traveller who is very well acquainted with New York City, to upbraid Bloomberg for his arrogance.


Unfortunately, ASR Sherman didn’t manage to convince Bloomberg to exit himself from the race. He’s shorter than Sherman, and he wouldn’t even let her talk to him. His bad.


Next, our choice to run against Trump in 2020, Hillary’s runing mate in 2020, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, a very thoughtful guy, got it precisely right when he said that democracies around the world are headed for a “nervous breakdown,” and it’s not “just” because of Trump (


Then, there’s former Lone Star State guv Rick Perry, who is Trump’s unenergetic Secretary of Energy, who says that Trump is The Chosen One.




Then, there’s John Kennedy, not JFK, but John Neely Kennedy who is the Republican junior senator from Louisiana, who, like his fellow

McConnell-aligned GOP senators, has bought into Trump’s crazy-ass conspiracy theories.


Senator Kennedy says he doesn’t know if it was the Russians or the Ukrainians who were responsible for Trump’s being in his Oval Office (




Associate solitary reporter Melissa Smith, who covers Cognress for us along with associate solitary reporter Keith Coleman, just talked with Senate Majority Leader Mitch “triple-chin” McConnell, who is revelling in how easy it will be to acquit Trump from his high crimes and misdemeanors, come February.


McConnell’s really smug about that, as he plots how best to continue to remake our federal judiciary for the next two centures, to undo all the good that the Earl Warren SCOTUS did.