Was Trump Ready for a Pandemic on January 20, 2017?; Plus, Four of Our Best Associate Solitary Reporters Brew Coffee for Joe and Bernie

March 18, 2020


The man who said he was the only one to fix our troubled nation’s problems wasn’t ready.


And his on the job traning hasn’t worked out very well.


On January 20, 2017 (that’s the Alternative Facts Day, as to the size of the crowd), Donald Trump wasn’t ready for the novel coronavirus crisis (https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/16/trump-inauguration-warning-scenario-pandemic-132797).


And, as PBS' top White House reporter, Yamiche Alcindor, found out on Friday, he disclaimed responsibility for having cut the part of his National Security Council that deals with things like COVID-19.


On Wednesday, he taped a message to the American people; and John Oliver and Trevor Noah showed us what he said when he was done, which wasn’t pretty.


On Friday, he assembled his coronavirus task force for a Rose Garden Press Conference. 


Between Wednesday and Friday, his tone changed.


He thinks he can do everything, but the last thing he can do — and he can’t undo it — is reduce the rapid rapid spread of this deadly virus.


As of Friday and today, he’s begun listening to his experts, which he wasn’t doing before.


This is good, only it’s too little, too late.


Uncle Joe won three primaries yesterday, in three different parts of our vast nation; and he also won the Evergreen State the week before.


Associate solitary reporters Keith Coleman and Susanna Sherman are very good undercover political operatives, and, as always, they let us know what they’re up to, and then they report directly to DNC Chair Tom Perez.


Coleman, who has spent a very large amount of his time in the Granite State of New Hampshire, next to Vermont, met with Bernie Sanders today in Burlington. He was joined by longtime University of Vermont Medical School Dean Edward Norton (not the actor, just a real nice guy who is one of your solitary reporter’s cousins).


“Tell ya the truth, Keith and Edward,” he began, “what I’m focusing on now is moving my friend Joe Biden — and, make no mistake, Joe and I really are friends — so far to The Left that Joe can’t possibly move into the White House on January 20 without bigtime help from me.”


Coleman and Norton nodded in agreement and brewed a nice cup of coffee for Bernie.


Simultaneously, ASR Sherman was meeting with Biden in Wilmington, joined by Florida’s top Democratic operative, Joe Mangan.


“Susanna and Joe, Bernie’s no fool. He’s already persuaded me to go with lots of Warren’s stuff.”


“As Trump keeps saying,” Biden continued, “We’ll see what happens."



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