Why World Leaders Would Really Like to Send Trump to the Moon

As we have often said in these pages, Donald Trump does everything he can to punish those civil servants who conscientiously report the facts.


This time, it's Christi Grimm, the Acting Inspector General in the Department of Health and Human Services, who’s about to get

the axe — because she reported on the near-total lack of preparedness of Trump & Co. to deal with the coronavirus pandemic (https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/05/03/trump-hhs-christi-grimm-tapper-sotu-vpx.cnn/video/playlists/this-week-in-politics/).


Which is why associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman, a seasoned Washington attorney, immediately put Grimm in touch with the ACLU.


Trump’s AmericaFirstism is likely to result in nations pitting themselves against nations in the race to develop a vaccine and testing equipment, and our Bully-in-Chief wants to grab as much of all that as he can.


Politico’s Edward Fishman notes that the global crisis — which has caused more disruption than the world experienced since World War II — could present a golden opportunity to forge an international alliance to deal with COVID-19 (https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/05/03/the-post-coronavirus-world-order-230042).


When associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones told Trump about Fishman’s suggestions, he threw her out the window.