Vladimir Putin announced today that he, and he alone, has The Vaccine that scientists all over the world have been in intense competition to develop.
But there’s only one problem: it has not completed the required clinical trials: "Coronavirus Live Updates: Russia Approves a Vaccine Before Completing Trials,"
Reminds us here at AP of Sputnik in 1957, which launched the Race to Space.
So we sent our Moscow-based correspondent, associate solitary reporter Foma Kheroshonsky, to the Kremlin, to ask Putin if he has any plans as to who would be the first outside Russia to benefit — after one of his adult daughters received it.
“Foma, that’s easy,” Putin said. “Of course, it will be my close personal friend Donald Trump — the man I succeeded in getting to the White House in 2016.”
As soon as associate solitary reporter Johanna Jones, who is with Trump 24/7, heard about Putin’s offer, she asked White House Physician Sean Conley if that was a good idea.
“Johanna,” Dr. Conley said, “Mr. Trump makes his own decisions, but if he were to ask me for my advice, I would say no, and I am sure that Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who runs the WHO, would
agree — problem is, Johanna, Mr. Trump won’t have anything to do with the WHO."