In Which ASR Sherman Interrogates New York's Cuomo About Why His State Loses One Seat in Congress

Census results are in.


New York will lose one member of the U S House of Representatives, because 89 New Yorkers were not counted during the pandemic.


Our Chief Investigative Reporter, California-based associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman, accosted the Empire State’s beleaguered governor, Democrat Andrew Cuomo, in his office in Albany.


“Andy, you’re being investigated for being a male chauvinist pig, with lots of wimmins accusing you of groping and other bad ___.”


“So how many of those 89 people in your state are women who didn’t manage to get themselves counted in the Census, how many of those are women who say that you behaved like the bad boy that both your

U S Senators, Democrats Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, are women who left your state after you did whatever you did to them?”


Sherman is now in the untender custody of the New York State Police.


Contact us here at if you’d like to help us raise money to get Sherman out of jail.