What's Really Going On In Virginia?

On January 15, the Commonwealth of Virginia will have a Republican governor and a Republican Lieutenant governor.


The lieutenant governor is an African American woman who is more conservative than Donald Trump. Which means that she is a lot smarter than he is. See ‘I Look Like the Strategy’: Winsome Sears Wants Black Voters to Rethink the G.O.P.



Her improbable name is Winsome Sears, no relation to Sears Roebuck, but our large staff here at AP was immediately compelled to figure out what “winsome” means.


Turns out it means something like “attractive” or “appealing.”


But as all our AP fans know full well, we do not find Republicans to be appealing at all. Ask associate solitary reporter Eddie Cook, the Chairman of the Denver Republican Party.


Sears’ goal is to increase African American participation in the Republican Party — but hey, we’re talkin’ ‘bout Virginia here. 


That’s why we found it incredibly helpful to reach out to associate solitary reporter Keith Coleman, our DC-based political operative.


“No sweat, SR,” Coleman began. “Not to worry. African Americans in Virginia are well aware of the highly segregationist past of their state. Quit worrying about that and take better care of yourself.”