Illinois produced Honest Abe Lincoln and Senator Paul Douglas and Barack Obama and Adlai Stevenson and Senator Paul Simon, but major parts of Illinois are known for their tendencies toward
New Jersey ain’t so pretty either, but they have gardens there.
New Jersey contains a place called Bedminster which is one of Donald Trump’s favorite places and he wants to be buried there.
Given Trump’s tendency to be indicted frequently, and given senator Menendez’ legal troubles, associate solitary reporter Keith Coleman has been busy conjuring up ways to deal with the coming
government shutdown, which Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-FL, is very much hoping to participate in because much of it is his fault. Coleman is well aware that Trump and Menendez are both stars in the
corruption business, and he also knows that Menendez is not running for President.
So here is what Coleman suggests:
Give Menendez a paid vacation in Cuba after he completes his prison term.
But when it comes to Trump, Coleman, a very astute political observer, is stumped.
At this point, all AP fans are welcome to send suggestions, because the Trump part is monumentally difficult. Gitmo?