Haley and DeSantis Could've Gone After the NRA but Didn't

We here at AP always listen to NPR while driving around Denver.


On Monday, the NRA, which is in decline, goes on trial at the behest of the nation’s toughest prosecutor, the Empire State’s Attorney General. Letitia James is going after dozens of well-documented acts of corruption, showing that the top leadership of the NRA is milking their cash cow for all it's worth, while it still has lots of cash in the bank.


So tonight Nikki Haley, articulate as always, and Ron DeSantis, who has stumbled repeatedly in his presidential campaign as he has struggled to portray himself as Trump Light, were both asked questions about gun violence, including the shooting in rural Iowa today, but neither of them took the easy opportunity to go after the NRA.


Associate solitary reporter Keith Coleman lives in Washington, in the shadow of the Capitol, where most Republican pols are scared to death of the nation’s biggest gun lobby. They’re afraid of offending LaPiere and his buddies in the gun industry.


Associate solitary reporter Susanna Sherman, who lives in California — a state that had the guts to pass meaningful gun control legislation (https://www.npr.org/2024/01/04/1222638598/gun-law-california-second-amendment-us-supreme-court-gaving-newsom) — also knows that the gops are afraid of the gun lobby.


Yet tonight, neither Haley or DeSantis took their gloves off, their bad, ‘cause they both played it safe.